Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hi everyone, this your good ol' pal and ally Connor Brown here telling you about one of my favorite works of fiction: superheroes! Every since the first appearance of Superman in Action Comics #1, the first appearance of Wonder Woman in All-Star Comics#8, the first appearance of Batman in Detective Comics # 27, and the first appearance the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk #1, superheroes have amazed generations both young and old, children and adults of every age. The superhero genre has definitely been through it's successes(Batman:the Animated Series,The Dark Knight,Superman 2, Justice League/Unlimited, The Avengers), and it's failures(Catwoman, Batman and Robin, The Avengers: United They Stand, Superman 4 Quest For Peace, Green Lantern, Daredevil, Spiderman 3),but it is still a wonderful genre, nevertheless. The world of comic book adaptations is definitely some thing to be hold, appealing to children, teenagers, adults, and even the elderly. The superhero genre has been adapted to toys, video games, novelty products, wall graphic stickers, clothing, posters,etc. But what I'm about to talk about is a creation that I made and worked on that I hope to be adapted one day by Disney Television Animation as one of the most original animated shows in years, sharing the same success as other critically acclaimed animated works of art, such as Gravity Falls,Phineas and Ferb, The Legend of Korra, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and Adventure Time.  The show that I'm of course talking about is The Super 7. The Super 7 is about 7 superheroes( Jumpstart, the White Ghost, the Lucky Rabbit, the Silver Unicorn, Tigershark, Fast Foward, and All-American) as they fight evil both day and night in the fictional city of Markin, Minnesota, all while trying to maintain there civilian personal lives all while trying to investigate conspiracies of corrupt politicians, insane toy-makers, sexist female kingpins, and an evil immortal Egyptian Pharaoh who's evil agenda is to travel back in time and rewrite the entire universe in his own dark, sinister image.

Here are my heroes:

Lance Stevens/Jumpstart (born February 14,1963) - Lance Stevens is a middle-aged architect who is very kind, caring, intelligent, handsome, dedicated, and friendly. On day after finishing a meeting and about to leave for home, he notices a steel beam about to fall on a construction worker. So without wasting time, who pushes the worker just in time as the steel beam is falls on his back, nearly killing him. Lance is than rushed to Green Oaks Hospital were he is than declared paralyzed from his waist to his legs and toes. Professor Norman Banks who heard and saw the horrifying incident, offers him a chance for a better life by having him his almost his entire body be rebuilt from a futuristic exoskeleton called, "the Exoapien". Lance, not having a better chance of living, agrees to do so and he is then taken to the RevoTech laboratory to have his body rebuilt
from top to bottom.

That's it for now. Be sure to check back next time for the other superhero origins.



  1. I knew you were a creative genius, Connor! I sure do miss you:)

  2. You are awesome! You are my HERO!
