Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hi, Hello, and Howdy-do, y'all, this is your good ol' friend Connor Brown here with another top 10 countdown list.
In reality, we always seem to grow up from are beloved imaginative and nostalgic childhoods to our to are robust, sophisticated, ethical, serious and hard-working adulthood, and we seem to move on to a much bigger, daring, bold, and immensely wider region of our lives. But sometimes it's too much for us to handle, let alone to try and function in our modern 21st-century with no knowledge on how to provide for own housing, debt, work, balancing, and personal needs. We feel like it would pressure us to much to point were it would be emotionally stressing. Right now I'm 19 years old, a young man born to a Christian family and I have been going to church ever since I was in elementary school. The point being, it's alright to live with your family for the rest of your life. You should not let anyone else tell you what to do or let them insult or ridicule you that make you want to leave home like everyone else. Which brings to our main subject for today: parents. There are the ones who love us, care for us, discipline us, and be our supporters. But in the field of animation, they could be again, the hero's supporter, the voice of reason. someone to fight along side with, or someone to love.
To coincide to my mom's birthday today, I'm going to be counting the top 10 Animated Mothers in all of animation history.

10. Wilma Flinstone-the Flinstones

9. Marge Simpson-the Simpsons

8.Bambi's Mother-Bambi

7.. Littlefoot's Mother- the Land Before Time

6.  Kya (Katara's mother)- Avatar the Last Airbender

5. Helen Parr/ Elastigirl- the Incredibles

4. Dexter's mom- Dexter's Laboratory

3. Mrs. Potts- Disney's Beauty and the Beast

2. Ms. Tonitini (Disney's thr Weekenders)

1. Mrs. Brisby (the Secret of NIHM)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

HIddi-hi, Hiddi-Ho, this good ol, friend Connor, here to continue with the origins and tales of the crime fighting saviors, THE SUPER 7!! When we last off, the story of Alice Winters/the Lucky Rabbit
is that when she was 13, her parents took her to their home in London, England were she met a 6 year old girl named Olivia Matterson (soon to be the Silver Unicorn) who become her best friend. Tragically, however, on the night of Alice's 18th birthday, her parents unexpectedly disappeared when they left home to get a Birthday cake. A worried Alice then calls the police to see if they found them, but they haven't to no avail. Olivia then suggests that she call her grandparents, Roselin and Foxworth Winters, come over from London to help cheer her up and celebrate her Birthday with them, seeing as how there the only grown-ups who are anything close to her parental guardians. Alice, although hesitant at first, sadly agrees to do so, but that she's still depressed that her parents weren't with her.  38 years later, Roselin, Foxsworth, Alice and Olivia move to the city of Markin, Minnesota, where Alice and Olivia both apply for jobs as fitness trainers
and Foxsworth and Roselin become temporary successors to Alice's parents' children's book business until Alice's parents return home. Alice and Olivia then move to a 2-story house at a local neighborhood were Alice's grandparents just happen to live in their very own 1-story house. Alice and Olivia's house composed 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, a large living room, a fancy kitchen fit for a chief, a big dining room, an upstairs sitting room with a widescreen television set, 2 sofa chairs and couch great for reading and watching TV, a huge garage, and laundry room. Don't worry, folks. Next blog I'll talk more about Olivia and Alice's house as well as the other 4 main characters.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Welcome back, everyone! Connor Brown back to report my origin of Lance Stevens/ Jumpstart, the main character of the Super 7. The last time we saw him, he was just about to leave for home after a meeting, only for him to be nearly killed after saving a construction worker, get critically crushed by a steel beam. Don't worry, if this scene is every animated or ever aired on television, I'll make DANG sure that it's censored so we never see the impact of the a crash. Anyways, after this deathful accident, Lance is than taken to the hospital were his wife then visits him. They soon meet by Dr. Norman Banks, an elderly but kindly old roboticist inventor. He soon tells him that he had built a robot exoskeleton made for military purposes. Lance is reluctant, feeling that he might never have a normal life ever again and that he will not know how to operate or use his newfound cybernetic abilities, but Norman reassures him that he and other scientists at RevoTech Laboratories will make sure his surgery will not try to jeopardize his social life and that he and other roboticists  who work at RevoTech will make sure that his new form as a cyborg will be kept it a secret with him, the people at RevoTech, his wife, and his other loved ones(Except his parents. Spoiler Alert!)

 Now onto the other 6 main characters, starting  with 2 strong female heroines, beginning with Alice Winters aka the Lucky Rabbit born on Easter of 1976, in Knoxville, Tennessee to British parents. Alice herself is named after the main heroine from the famous British children's novel, Alice in Wonderland, and it just so happens that her parents are children's book writers and illustrators(Coincidence, I think NOT!).
Her parents work as children's novelists have gotten awards for Best Original Written Work.
When she was just 13-years old, she went on a vacation to her parents home in London, England,Europe were she meet 6-year old Olivia Matterson, who become her life-long best friend.
Unfortunately, on Alice's 18th birthday, her parents leave home to pickup her birthday cake and they suddenly disappear without any explanation. Alice, feeling worried about there unexpected absence, suddenly calls the police to try and find them. Sadly, they tell her that they have not yet found them, but they will keep looking for both of them. I'll write about these 2 lovely little ladies next time. See ya!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hi everyone, this your good ol' pal and ally Connor Brown here telling you about one of my favorite works of fiction: superheroes! Every since the first appearance of Superman in Action Comics #1, the first appearance of Wonder Woman in All-Star Comics#8, the first appearance of Batman in Detective Comics # 27, and the first appearance the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk #1, superheroes have amazed generations both young and old, children and adults of every age. The superhero genre has definitely been through it's successes(Batman:the Animated Series,The Dark Knight,Superman 2, Justice League/Unlimited, The Avengers), and it's failures(Catwoman, Batman and Robin, The Avengers: United They Stand, Superman 4 Quest For Peace, Green Lantern, Daredevil, Spiderman 3),but it is still a wonderful genre, nevertheless. The world of comic book adaptations is definitely some thing to be hold, appealing to children, teenagers, adults, and even the elderly. The superhero genre has been adapted to toys, video games, novelty products, wall graphic stickers, clothing, posters,etc. But what I'm about to talk about is a creation that I made and worked on that I hope to be adapted one day by Disney Television Animation as one of the most original animated shows in years, sharing the same success as other critically acclaimed animated works of art, such as Gravity Falls,Phineas and Ferb, The Legend of Korra, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and Adventure Time.  The show that I'm of course talking about is The Super 7. The Super 7 is about 7 superheroes( Jumpstart, the White Ghost, the Lucky Rabbit, the Silver Unicorn, Tigershark, Fast Foward, and All-American) as they fight evil both day and night in the fictional city of Markin, Minnesota, all while trying to maintain there civilian personal lives all while trying to investigate conspiracies of corrupt politicians, insane toy-makers, sexist female kingpins, and an evil immortal Egyptian Pharaoh who's evil agenda is to travel back in time and rewrite the entire universe in his own dark, sinister image.

Here are my heroes:

Lance Stevens/Jumpstart (born February 14,1963) - Lance Stevens is a middle-aged architect who is very kind, caring, intelligent, handsome, dedicated, and friendly. On day after finishing a meeting and about to leave for home, he notices a steel beam about to fall on a construction worker. So without wasting time, who pushes the worker just in time as the steel beam is falls on his back, nearly killing him. Lance is than rushed to Green Oaks Hospital were he is than declared paralyzed from his waist to his legs and toes. Professor Norman Banks who heard and saw the horrifying incident, offers him a chance for a better life by having him his almost his entire body be rebuilt from a futuristic exoskeleton called, "the Exoapien". Lance, not having a better chance of living, agrees to do so and he is then taken to the RevoTech laboratory to have his body rebuilt
from top to bottom.

That's it for now. Be sure to check back next time for the other superhero origins.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Welcome back to the Top 10 Modern Disney Characters! Last time on the list, I talked about a video game villain who tries to be a good guy, a young waitress who tries finance her own restaurant, a beautiful princess trying to see the floating lanterns, and a young teenage boy teaming up with his friends and other Disney characters. Now, before we get to # 1, I'd like to add in an honorable mention.


Now, finally for number 1!

The number 1 modern Disney character(s) is....
Anna and Elsa-Frozen (This will be long. REALLY long.)

What we have here are 2 outstanding characters from an outstanding movie from 2 outstanding directors. Anna and Elsa are 2 royal sisters who live in the kingdom of Arendelle. The 2 where really close when they were young. However, one night while the 2 are playing in the castle, Elsa accidentally strikes Anna in the head with her magic powers, giving Anna a streak of the same color of that of her sister. Elsa, Anna and there parents leave the kingdom to go and search for the rock  trolls. Their leader, Pabbie, manages to cure Anna of the spell. He also tells the king and queen that he must wipe Anna's memories of Elsa's powers, but he will still keep memories of when they had fun together. He also tells Elsa that her magic is beautiful, but if she doesn't learn how to control them, she'll be seen and viewed as a monster. The king and queen then decide to close the castle gates and separate anyone from Elsa, including Anna. Throughout the years Elsa's parents then try to help her control her powers to no avail, while Anna tries to see her older sister. When the 2 sisters are teenagers, the king and queen then leave for trip out to sea. Although Elsa and Anna are sad to see them leave, the 2 then promise that they'd be back. However the king and queen are killed in raging storm, leaving Anna (and especially Elsa) heartbroken and grief stricken. Luckily, about 3 years later, Elsa is crowned the queen of Arendelle. At the coronation ball, the 2 seem to talk to each other for the first time in forever(No pun intended.). But after Anna meets up with Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, Elsa criticizes her for engaging a man she just met. This leads the 2 sisters to an argument the finally ends with Elsa accidentally exposing her powers to the public, leaving Anna horrified and Elsa leaving the kingdom and causing a massive blizzard. Feeling as if she's responsible for this cataclysmic event, Anna leaves the kingdom of Arendelle to go find her sister. Along the way, Anna meets a somewhat snarky mountain man named Kritoff and his best friend, a reindeer named Sven. while trying to reach the north mountain, the group is attacked by a horde of wolves. They manage to escape, but Kristoff's sleigh is destroyed. Sven convinces Kristoff to help Anna find Elsa, with he does. The next day, Anna and Kristoff meet a talking snowman. Although Anna is frightened at first by the magical creature, Anna remembers him as Elsa's childhood creation. Olaf then leads the trio to the Elsa's ice castle. There, Elsa is happy to see her sister, but she fears she'll harm her sister again. This leads to Anna attempting to bring Elsa back to the Arendelle, which says that she's fine when she's alone. Anna then tells Elsa that Arendelle is trapped in an eternal winter caused by Elsa's ice magic. Elsa, shocked by this turn of events, she becomes agitated once again and accidentally striking Anna yet again, only this time in the heart. Frightened, a horrified Elsa creates a giant snow monster that throws the trio out of the castle. Not long after, Hans and a few other soldiers arrive to arrest Elsa, believing she killed her sister. Hans tries to convince Elsa to stop with her magic at the battle, but she's knocked out on contact and thrown in the castle's dungeon. Hans tries to convince her to stop the raging blizzard, but she says that she cannot. Meanwhile, Kristoff takes Anna to see the rock trolls, with Anna and Kristoff slowly but surely falling in love. Pabbie tells Anna that the only way she can break the spell that she's under is if she performs an"act of true love".  Kristoff, Olaf and Sven head back to the kingdom where Anna is immediately taken into to the castle to find Hans. Anna begs the prince to kiss him, but he instead reveals his evil agenda to marry a maiden of royalty in order to become king of Arendelle. Hans then locks the doomed princess in the castle library, but Olaf manages to start a fire for Anna and tells her that Kristoff loves her. The 2 then head out into the howling snowstorm. When Hans catches up to Elsa she tells him that Anna died because of her accidental curse, causing the monstrous storm to cease. Anna and Kristoff manages to see each other, but just then Anna sees Hans about to murder Elsa. Anna immediately rushes in and puts herself in just as she freezes soild, causing the evil prince to knocked out on contact. Elsa sees the state of her sister and sobs histericly. However, Anna is soon thawed back to life, as her intervention indeed "an act of true love." Elsa is overjoyed at her recovery, and Olaf says that Anna's sacrifice was "an act of true love." Realizing that love is the key to controlling her powers, Elsa uses the to remove the the giant blizzard from the kingdom. Elsa gives Olaf a magical ice cloud to survive all summer long, Hans is sent back to the Southern Isles to be punished, Anna and Kristoff share a romantic kiss, and Anna and Elsa finally reunites with, Elsa promising to never shut the castle gates ever again. NOT the end! Now onto the characters themselves, which in this case are Anna and Elsa. Anna is Elsa's younger sister and the princess of Arendelle. She's really eccentric, free-spirited, and fun loving. She's shown to be very impulsive, believing that finding someone romantic and similar to her will make her fill happy, even though she's betrayed by Hans(spoiler alert!). This causes Anna to look down upon herself and thought of herself as nothing but ordinary.Luckily, she was wrong, as she found out that there were people like Kristoff, Pabbie, Olaf, and even Elsa herself who show a great deal of care for the young princess. Another thing that makes Anna a great Disney character is that of her voice actor, Kristen Bell. She's said that she has always loved Disney Animation and has always wanted to do a Disney film. Heck, she even did voice recordings of "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid! She fought hard for this role and she did with determination! And that's another thing I want talk about, Anna's determination. She's pretty much shown to be the only one(besides Olaf) to have faith in Elsa that she's not a monster, but a very loving and caring sister who fights for her own young sister's safety. She treated Elsa with kindness when no one else did. She even saved Elsa from Hans when no one saw it coming, in sense that Anna might have saved herself from the spell she was under. Even the she finds real, true romance(spoilers above!), it's definitely clear that Anna's most valued treasure is the love and care for her sister. Now, one to the Snow Queen herself, Elsa. She is Anna's older sister and the one who is now the queen of Arendelle, but runs away after her powers are exposed to the public.She creates a giant ice castle, as well as recreate her childhood snowman, Olaf(Let It Go). One thing that makes Elsa a great Disney character is not only her personality, but her voice actress, Idina Menzel. She's the perfect choice to play Elsa, seeing as how she played Elphaba in Wicked, which(no pun intended) are very similar to each other. They were both feared by everyone they knew, they had someone who someone cared and loved them and had great break-out song that explained who they were and why. Elsa shown to very relaxed, quite, and elegant, unlike her sister who is goofy and and free-spirited. In fact, that's another thing I'd like to talk about, is Elsa being free spirited. When we see her in "Let It Go", she's shown to be afraid of those around that she cares about and just be herself when show was alone building her ice castle via her magic. But despite all these troubles and trials she feels as if she has to go through, Elsa truly loves her sister, Anna. For example, after Anna throw herself between the evil Prince Hans and after she froze solid, she felt really sad and heartbroken. Luckily, it's not until Anna's sacrifice was an act of selfless love that Elsa finally learned to control her powers and saved Arendelle from the blizzard and even creates a magic cloud for Olaf. This shows that Elsa REALLY cares for those she loves, even if that someone isn't Anna.
At the end of the movie she's shown to really enjoy her powers and promise never to shut the castle gates or anyone else ever again. And this is what makes Anna and Elsa the greatest Modern Disney Characters ever created.
Well, that's all folks! I hope you enjoyed this list of great new Disney characters. I can't wait to see next time on the new blog post.
See you later, folks!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Welcome back to the Top 10 Modern Disney Characters! Last time on my blog list, I ended it off with a young adorable black girl who adores fixing up toys. But now that I have returned, I will continue the list with an all new cast of loveable Disney characters.

#5 Wreck It Ralph-Wreck It Ralph
Who else to start the this part of the list but with a video game villain who tries to prove himself as a hero. Wreck It Ralph definitely has to be one of the most popular Disney characters nowadays, seeing as how he's based on classic video game villains, such as Donkey Kong. Ralph himself has shown to be a very sweet and loving man, yet has a explosive temper, thus giving him a negative label from his fellow Nicelanders of Niceland(save for Fix It Felix Jr.).
Yet despite all the constant criticism he gets from everyone, Ralph will go to great lengths to be accepted  to those he lives with. Yet it's not until he meets a smart-mouthed little girl named Vanellope Von Schweetz, that he cannot stand her at first, but when the two are forced to build a cart for her, the start to slowly but surely become closer to one another. But after the maniacal and evil King Candy manipulates Ralph into destroying Vannellope's cart leaving her heart-broken, this causes Ralph to think twice about his actions. After rekindling his friendship with Vannellope and after saving her in the "fudgeon" and after destroying King Candy, Ralph is more than happy than happy to tell his best friend that he doesn't need a medal to be a good guy. Another thing that makes him a great Disney character is the fact that despite that he is large, massive, hulking and destructive, he's actually very humble and friendly, and with the villain being the main hero makes for a very interesting animated movie(I'm looking at you, Megamind!). You wouldn't expect a guy who does so bad turn out to be someone who's so good. With a towering hight, the amazing power to wreck, and a kind and caring soul, Wreck It Ralph is Disney character who can truly level-up!
#4 Tiana-the Princess and the FrogPrincess-tiana-disney
Now  I know I couldn't make this list with putting on at least one traditionally-2D animated character from the revived Disney era. Tiana is young African American woman who strives hard to try and open up a restaurant, a promise she made to her now deceased father, James.
Out of all the new Disney Princesses, Tiana has to one of the most unique
Princesses ever created. One of her unique qualities is that she is a great cook, despite the fact that in the movie she's a waitress. Another thing that makes her great is that she is a very hardworking young woman, yet she tends to misunderstands that she'll have to work REALLY  hard to achieve her dream. But when she meets the handsome but not rich Prince Naveen, he tells her that he had servents who did things for him when he was little and doesn't know how to do things on his own.
It's only until she takes him under his wing and teaches him how to carter and cook. After being manipulated by the nefarious and sinister witch doctor Dr. Facilier, Tiana realizes that she had her loved family and she doesn't need a restaurant, even if she does get it.
Tiana then smashes Facilier's tailsman, sending the doomed villain to be dragged away to the Underworld by the angry voodoo spirits. Tiana reunites with Naveen, who finally admits she loves
him. After the Charlotte's kiss to Naveen doesn't work, the 2 then do a last minute decision, which is get married in the bayou, where the spell is broken, because Naveen married Tiana, making her a princess. Another thing that makes Tiana a great character as well as Princess is the fact that she is Disney's first ever black Princess, and dispite that this got some mixed controversy from I critics, I think Disney made a bold and great decision. And finally, the last great thing about her is her own personality. She tends to be very hard working and and to focused for fun, but then comes to realize that work and ethics aren't needed for what matters most: Love and happiness. With hard-working attitude, a devoted daughter and friend, Tiana is the one to show us that were almost there!

#3 Rapunzel-Tangled
Being the first CGI Disney Princess, Rapunzel is a beautiful young girl who has waited almost 18 years in a tower wondering what the outside world is like. She's told by Mother Gothel that the outside is dangerous and is that Rapunzel is unfit to live there. But it's not until she meets the dashing and devilishly handsome thief Flynn Ridder, whom the bandit strikes a deal with her to take her to see the floating lanterns in the sky. Rapunzel has to be one of the few Disney Princesses to have her own personal weapon, which is ordinary frying pan. I really like how in some crazy way  of self defense, a frying pan can just make for great weapon when sword fighting! Another thing that makes Rapunzel great is that of her voice actress, Mandy Moore. I really think that was some strange but very great choice for the role of the princess.
Rapunzel is also very funny,curious, kind, free-spirited and child-like, but tends to be very rebellious, as shown when she tries to convince Gothel to let go into the outside world, since in secret, Mother Gothel was only having Rapunzel for her hair's healing power. She has also been shown to be very naive and only lives in solitude in the tower where shows very skilled talents in cooking, candle making, puzzles, chess, and most certainly, painting. But one of the most noteable qualities about Rapunzel would be her magical hair. The hair has the ability to heal injured people as well as giving them longevity.  The only way for the hair to work is for Rapunzel to sing a special sing that says:

Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design 
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
once was mine
With a long flowing mane of hair, a thief to take her to see the lanterns, a cute pet chameleon, and loyal and humorous horse, Rapunzel is the one to show us that we know see the light!

#2 Sora-Kingdom Hearts (video game)
Now I know that putting a video game character THIS high on the list will not go without criticism to other Disney fans, but I'll explain the reason this latter. Sora is a young teenage boy who enjoys spending time with his 2 best friends, Riku and Kairi. One night, there island was attacked by ominous and shadowy creatures known as the Heartless. During this time, Sora gains a powerful weapon known as the Keyblade, a powerful key shaped weapon that can destroy the Heartless.
But despite his best efforts, the island is destroyed in a flood of darkness, leaving Sora drifting into space, eventually ending up in the town of Traverse Town.
There, he meets Donald and Goofy, who have been looking for there missing King Mickey. The trio team up to find Kairi, Riku, and Mickey as well as teaming up with other classic Disney characters to fight Disney villains and other evil foes. Now, the reason I put Sora at #2 over all these great Disney characters is because of the character himself. Sora is extremely heroic and brave, meaning he'll do anything to protect people he doesn't even know yet. He's also shown to be very forgiving as shown when as when makes amends with Riku who tried to kill him, or when accepted Namine's apology(whom she is revealed to be Kairi's Nobody.).
Sora has also shown to be very cheerful and optimistic, like when he joyfully reunites with Donald
 and Goofy after his memories were fully restored in Kingdom Hearts 2. Another HUGE reason why I put REALLY high at #2 is that his personality seems to be inspired from other classic Disney characters. He has the cheerful and fun-loving nature of Ariel, the kind, forgiving, understanding nature of Belle, the heroic, selfless nature of the Beast, the good tempered nature of Wreck-It Ralph and the friendly nature of none other than the Mickey Mouse himself. With a powerful weapon, a vast array of magical abilities, a team of great friends both old and new with a never-ending wave of vast Disney characters, Sora is a hero you'll truly want to fight along side with!

Now before we get to the greatest modern Disney character(s), I'd like to show the honorable mentions.

Kim Possible

Jake Long
Jake Long



Bob Iger

Were nearly done, but don't worry! Number 1 will both a duo set of characters who have stared in an animated musical film that has been widely acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, has grossed 957 million dollars world wide, and there is a possiable Broadway adaption of this film!
See you later, friends and folks!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Welcome back to the Top 10 Modern Disney Characters! (Spoiler Free!)
When I last talked about my list, I talked about characters from the 2000s that any Disney fan like me would now and love. Now that I'm back in action, I'd like to start the list with a fan favorite character we all know and love!

#8 Stitch- Lilo and Stitch  I can't believe I forgot to add this to the list. What we have here is a great example of a great modern Disney character. Stitch is hyperactive and loveable as his name implies. He's extremely hot-tempered
and violent as he was an experiment created by the alien mad scientist Jumba. Yet, when he meets Lilo (and much to the somewhat disapproval of older sister, Nani) he really starts to care for her rather himself. I like to think of Stitch as an adorable extraterrestrial individual how can be kick butt awesome and done right awesome, but he's someone someone who'd you would like to be your own personal cuddle buddy, because he will do what ever it takes to make up for his destructive actions, even when he saves Lilo from Gantu Another thing that makes him a great Disney character is that he is one of the few to have powers. That and does a MEAN Elvis Presley impression. With a an over-the-top but loveable personality, superhuman abilities, and heart of gold, Stitch definitely says it best with "Ohana."

#7 Dipper and Mabel Pines-Gravity Falls
Now here are some Disney characters that ANYONE can fall in love with. Dipper and Mabel are 2 12-year old twin children who are dropped off by there parents and are forced to spend time with there Uncle Stan. But after finding a mysterious journal that has strange and bizzare secrets, the 2 began to suspect that there's more to Gravity Falls than meets the eye.
Now with that out of the way, let's talk about the characters. Dipper is the wise, gentle, focused, logical, conventional, but is extremely caring to those he is with.
Mabel is the more bright, cheerful, optimistic, fun loving and free spirited individual. By the way, she has an adorable pet pig named Waddles! Dipper shows that he is very wise and cannot wait to be a man. But Mabel really enjoys the life of a child before she turns older, thus making her a teenager and she wants Dipper to really enjoy it, which he does. Another thing that makes them a great duo is there chemistry. What do I mean by this? Well, the 2 usually go on adventures uncovering secrets of Gravity Falls itself. That and these 2 just tend to overflow with character development.  For example, in the episode "Summerween", Dipper tried to hang out with Wendy but Mabel saw this and was very unhappy by this. Dipper later explained that he meant well and was trying to grow up. Mable explained that the reason she was so upset is because she feared that this would be her last Halloween ever, which Dipper felt guilty about and made up for it and spent time with her. Like Jack Sparrow on my last post, I will admit that these 2 on there own can be great characters, but with their own combined efforts, these two can really make a deference in solving the mysteries of Gravity Falls!

#6  Doc McStuffins-Doc McStuffins
Probably the only Disney character from a animated preschool series, Doc McStuffins full name Dottie, is young African American girl who works as doctor who fixes up broken toys and has the ability to communicate with her toys, via a magic stethoscope. Doc has shown to care very much not only for her toys, but for her family as well. Her kindness to her friends as well as her family very much solidifies her as a well-written Disney character. She has shown that even when that even when she tries to fix a toy but it doesn't work, she will never give up that easy, and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. And with Doc McStuffins being such a well reviewed animated show, you wouldn't expect a lovable character like this with a lovable show like this to be THIS successful. Doc really loves her job as a toy fixing doctor, to the point were she will even fix her brother's own toys. Now you might be wondering, why didn't I put Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates on the list? Don't get me wrong, he's a great character from a great show, but the reason I put Doc here is that I wanted her to represent a strong, young, independent female who could take care of someone on her own. With ability to communicate to toys, her loyalty to her family and parents, her job that she absolutely adores, Doc McStuffins is someone you'd most extremely want to have a check-up with!

That concludes this part for my Modern Disney Characters list. Join me next time to join the list when talk about a guy that just because he's a bad guy doesn't mean he's bad guy.
